Well-Site Services

The Wellsite Geologist is the most important link in exploration and production activities in the chain of communications between wellsite and management. CSG Exploration & Production Services’ wellsite geologists are responsible for all geological and technical wellsite activities. We specialize in wellsite services for;

• Supervising the Wireline logging and DST Test: After drilling to TD, cleaning the hole and tripping out, wireline logging will  be carried out. Wellsite geologist communicate with wireline logging and DST service providers to manage and supervise  logging and testing operations.

• Coring: Supervising core coring, chip and core sampling activities, recording the core details as per JORC standards. Samples are taken for further laboratory tests and labeled according to procedures.

• Water Sampling: Any substantial water flow encountered during drilling should be flow tested and sampled for further analysis. 1000ml plastic bottle will be used to sample water. Water quality test will be conducted for pH, conductivity,  hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS), heavy metal content and nitrogen.

• Reporting: All reports will be sent to Company’s Head Office, CSG’s Project Geologist and other advised authorities (Daily  drilling report, geological report, logging report). CSG site geologist is authorized to sign off-on drilling contractor daily  activity   reports. Service /Engineering report of logging company will be signed off by wellsite geologist. All technical  information gathered during drilling is to be entered into the data entry file

Other Services

Exploration services

Geological consultancy services


Explore services

Exploration program management services


Explore services

Drilling management services


Explore services

Well-site services


Exploration services

JORC compliant reporting services


Explore services

Training services


Productıon services

Mine design


Productıon services

Production plan and equipment
